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FAQ's on Web Hosting
Most frequent questions and answers
Web Hosting is the way to provide storage space for any website. Any webpage you have on the internet must need a storage space to store all kind of data to be delivered to your audience.
As its pretty much evident other would not be able to access your website from your local drive so web hosting is a platform for it.
There are several hosting providers and packages in the market, you need to opt for a web hosting that suit your needs and the kind of website you have on the internet. And for that you need to pay to the hosting provider, just as we rent a house.
There are several types of hosting for all the individual needs.
Shared Hosting – Best suitable for new websites
VPS Hosting – It is just ahead of the share hosting. And perfectly suitable for the grown and growing website, to sever better to the readers.
WordPress Hosting – Best to choose if you have a website on WordPress CMS.
Dedicated Hosting – It is the most high level of hosting type. Which are required for a very high traffic websites and with huge resources on it.
Cloud Hosting – Cloud Hosting is pretty much new than the rest with highly integrated technology. You will be provided several remote servers for your website just as a backup. That means if any of your server fails, other servers will always be there to rescue and serve the reader with content.
Reseller Hosting – As the name implies, this is a fair option to choose if your want to sell the hosting service to several other website owners. In simple, you are buying a reselling hosting account and selling the same to your clients on whatever price you want to do. As you will be paying the hosting provider on the whole sale prices.
Bandwidth can be symbolized as data transfer in simple words. That mean the servers allows a specific amount of data to be transferred through your website. It completely relies on the hosting package you choose, the bigger you will be allowed more. And if you have a Unlimited bandwidth plan, that mean hosting provider will not set any cap the data to be transferred.
The higher the traffic or people come to your website, it consumes more bandwidth.
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